Brief product description. Lorem Ipsum is a text used as an example of filler in the printing industry. It was first used in the 15th century. by an unknown printer to fill in the text of a sample book. Five centuries later, it began to be used by the electronics industry, remaining virtually unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s. In the 1970s. with the publication of Letraset sheets containing excerpts from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently with the inclusion of various versions of Lorem Ipsum software designed to implement printing on personal computers, such as Aldus PageMaker

– dimensions: 92 x 160 mm;
– dimensions: 3.62 x 6.30″;
– weight approx: 42 g;

The set includes :


– dimensions : 62 x 35 mm;
– dimensions : 2.44″ x 1.40″;
– approximate weight: 18 g;
– Electroplating: brass + patina + rubbing + varnish;


– dimensions : 62 x 35 mm;
– dimensions: 2.44″ x 1.40″;
– approximate weight: 18 g;
– Electroplating: brass + patina + rubbing + varnish;

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